Thursday, July 22, 2010

A family receiving Christ

This is a photo of me with the father who quit drugs and accepted Christ
This is a letter that Sara Blanco wrote to Peter.  We recently went to visit this family and we shared the word with them and dropped off a couple of bibles for them.  GOD is so good.  Thanks for sharing Sara!

My name is Sara Blanco. My brother Jose Luis Chamorro and I are Christians. We have a ministry in San Jorge, where we host family groups, and bible studies for God. Recently, God opened a door for me to have the chance to volunteer as a leader for the children at Campo Alegria. God did many wonders there. Through a couple of siblings who attended this camp an entire family was saved. The little boy told his father the prodigal son story and after hearing this the entire family received Christ into their hearts. We all went to follow up with the family and the Father admitted to doing drugs and said he had stopped since receiving Christ. This is the poorest family I know and trough Campo Alegria God touched them.

I am looking forward to helping this family with their kids in areas where they need it. Like misbehaving, school work and accountability. The parents had a really hard time trying to control them in the past. The most important thing is that this family does not go away from God. And that they know he is a powerful God. I know he will do great things with these kids. And all the kids in the camps to come. My biggest desire is to always serve God and to be able to work helping the youth because the word of God is life and official. God bless you Campo Alegria for having this camp and the heart to help these poor kids. It is a big blessing.


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